Monday, February 8, 2010

Countdown: Three Days

Three days from now I will officially be a second grade teacher. The past two weeks I've been working in my classroom 8+ hours a day to clean it up and make it a place that we love to learn in. Coming from two teachers, twelve+ teaching internships, and more ideas that I can get my head around, I've tried to organize my room as much as possible. There are so many things that I want to accomplish this year - but until I know my students and curriculum, I won't be able to visualize how all of that will happen. These past two weeks have simply been me trying to grasp how to incorporate all of the ideas I have about how I want my classroom to flow, function, and facilitate learning.

Thursday and Fridays used to be the only days in High School and College that I would be full of butterflies. Not based on a big test or speech, but rather a cross-country race. As a teacher, I function the same way. I'm not nervous to see students on the first day of school, or what I'll say when they sit in their desks staring at me for their next move. I sit in my classroom and look around and all I feel is excitement. Excitement to meet the new little people that will sit in these desks and spend the next year of life with me. Excitement to settle into a routine and love coming into school everyday. Excitement to see what each of my little ones will come to me with each day. And excitement for the last day of school when I can look at my room, empty again and know that my new little third graders are ready for whatever life hands them.